
Waiting for the fall down

I am waiting. I want to fall down to practice.

Most of us are. This is our life. To sit high in our seats, and watch the sun trip high overhead, and wonder, wonder, what it must be like.

I waited for 25 minutes for the damn bus tonight. I waited. Bless you CTA.

I also learned, via the helpful diagram on top, that the best way to fall is to just go limp. NyMag proves most helpful in the falling category, female or otherwise.

So really, Chicagoans, the real lesson, and I press my nose while I say this, is to throw a New Yorker on the ground and laugh as they struggle with all of their bags. Suck on those mid-western apples, New York.

Or something something, learn from waiting and falling blah blah blah. Do I look like I have time for this crap?



To all beginnings there must be death.